我的新邮箱就收到这么封邮件,内容是这样的,来新人自称是Dr.James Williams,一看是个外国人,还是个Doctor,还真让我吓一跳。
Good Day,
First and foremost I would like to apologize for infringing on your privacy by sending you an unsolicited email,I would have given you a call, but rather I decided to contact you via an email to get us acquainted since it is a safer way of private communication.If you must know, I came about your contact information through a random search with my client's name on the Inter net while trying to locate any link to him.
I am Dr.James Williams a personal account adviser/officer to a great late industrialist who has an account in one of the top banks here in Ghana. It has been nine years now since he died in the year 2000 without a written or an oral will to the best of my knowledge from information I gathered via his attorney here in Ghana and since then nobody has operated on his account again hence the money is floating and if I do not remit this money out urgently it will be forfeited for nothing since the bank has been sold on , 19 January 2011 to another bank and the management of the bank are now ready to release the fund to any foreigner who has the correct information of the account before fully handing over the management to the new bank.
The owner of this account is a foreigner and no other person knows about this account OR anything concerning it, the account has no other beneficiary. My investigation through the National immigration department proved to me as well that he was single as at the point of his entry into Ghana.As a matter of fact, I have decided to transfer this fund abroad for investment.Your assistance as a foreigner is necessary because the management of the bank will welcome any foreigner who has correct information to this account which I will give you immediately, if you are interested to do this business with me.Firstly,before I will disclose the said amount to you, I must solicit your strictest confidence in this transaction. This is by virtue of its nature as being utterly confidential,I want to sure and have confidence of your ability and reliability to prosecute a transaction of this great magnitude which I solicit your assistance to enable us transfer the said
amount into your safe account for on ward investment.
You can either provide us with an existing account or to set up a new bank account immediately to receive this fund, even an empty bank account will serve to receive this fund,as long as you are willing to remain honest to me till the end of this important business transaction, trusting in you and believing that you will never let me down either now or in future. I am sure that everything will work out as the world bank send their delegate to us which we had a meeting in the bank of Ghana on our independence day 6 of march 2010 and the G20 summit meeting that was heard in London to stop the global financial crisis have brought a new banking system to Africa, in a way that no body will know and i will get you all the legal document in your name, more to it i was able to speak with the representative from the world bank at length so i strongly believe that everything will work out.
As soon as I hear from you, and upon your strong assurance that you will not let me down once the fund goes into your account I will then start to process the transfer of the fund to your account without further delay.
If interested contact me for further details.
Yours Faithfully,
Dr.James Williams.
这邮件倒是让我认真地看了一会,首先是我几乎没收到过外国的邮件,这偶尔收到一次(暂且不说是垃圾邮件)邮件还真是让我受宠若惊;再看语言,人家还对我真挚道歉,因为冒犯了我的隐私;然后说明这是一笔巨款,让我有兴趣就准备好接受……而且这封邮件非常不符合一般垃圾邮件的风格:我一般收到的邮件都是类似于“Hi ! Vigera 70% off ! ”这样的消息,打开之后要不然就是附带个附件,内容是个图片,图片是促销的地址,要不然就是“好长时间不见了,给你个网页看看”,打开之后空空,有个链接,链接打开就是网站。这邮件一是没有链接,让人感觉不像是一般的邮件;二是邮件里面各种理由、话语底气充足(说实话我是现在也不太相信这是个垃圾邮件),邮件系统也没有把它挑到垃圾邮件里面;三是他强调"even an empty bank account will serve to receive this fund",没有钱也没有关系,只要你要卡就可以。这些种种让人感到舒服的方式,即使是垃圾邮件也不让人难受呀。